Going out on a limb

Roseate Spoonbill lands on a limb

I watched this beautiful roseate spoonbill fly over the marsh at Green Cay and land on a dead tree. The branch was way up high, and I could barely see the bird with my 200 lens. The clouds were dramatic in the background, and I thought:

Sometimes you have to go out on a limb to see the beauty beyond the clouds.

How often have I been tempted to give up and throw in the towel when the going gets rough and all looks dark? “Hang in there,” the bird seems to be saying, “keep going forward, one step at a time. Your faith will give you wings to lift you if you fall. The view is beautiful from up here, and the sun is shining behind the clouds!”

Thank you, Rosie, for that reminder. There’s always light beyond the most ominous cloud.

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